Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Reasons To Think Of How To Start A School Garden

By Carolyn Snyder

A school garden is a type you can find in a school compound. It needs the help of some workers on the field to start one. However, students can also be made to know how to start a school garden by making them assist the laborers as they work. As the laborers or their teachers tell them what to do, they also partake in the advantages of the exercise.

One of the benefits to gain is that food will be available for the children. On large gardens, a variety of food crops can be cultivated so that when it is harvest time, the school community gets to enjoy from it. Plant products that are rarely available in the market can be cultivated on the gardens to avail students the opportunity to know what they look like.

Boarding students tend to enjoy school gardens the most. After the harvest, the school sends most of the products to the kitchen where they are prepared and served to the children. Fruits are shared as appetizers and they are privileged to have a taste of what may be so expensive or scarce to obtain outside.

As fewer foods are now purchased from the market, the school saves more money. Their savings can be utilized for other important aspects of school administration that can make them more successful. Even if they still have to make purchases, they are still better off with a garden.

The students will also benefit directly from this in that they will learn how to manage a farm. Their agricultural classes will make more sense because they now have somewhere to practice and see exactly what authors try to picture in their textbooks. Furthermore, they get to learn the times and seasons for different crops and how to apply pesticides to ensure maximum yield.

Children who are sent to schools that have some gardens develop an interest in agriculture early in life. This makes them self-dependent as entrepreneurs that may also be interested in packaging and selling their products. They also become employers of labor as they pay workers who help in actualizing their projects. Hunger and poverty, therefore, reduce because of the first love they developed in college.

Doing this also benefits the students by making them to work hard the more. Instead of seeing farm work as something stressful, they rather see it as a blessing. Their level of fitness improves as they become more muscular. They can hardly turn out to be obese if they continue teamwork after schooling.

In addition, the presence of a school garden helps to encourage teamwork among the students. As they share responsibilities among themselves to make sure that an end result is achieved, they appreciate one another even more and know where each person's strengths and weaknesses lie. Their teachers also get to know them better so that apart from being their classroom instructor, he or she can have a better impact in their personal lives.

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