Friday, December 21, 2018

Here Is Information On Tree And Stump Removal

By Joseph Morris

A plant which has an extended stem is referred to as a Tree. Trees exist in different kinds depending on their shapes, type, size and even the region where they are grown. Favorable climate is required for certain trees to grow and mature faster. Trees are used for different purposes in the society. This includes acting as a wind breakers in places where intense wind exists. This is what Tree and stump removal is all about.

Some of the functions of trees include providing shade on a sunny day, acting as a source of food and medicine, and being used as fuel. The main structural part of a tree is the stem. The functions of stems include giving support to the branches and leaves and holding the tree firmly in position. It also provides minerals and water for the survival of the tree.

The stem is normally made of three layers, that is, the outer layer, the inner layer, and the middle layer. The outer layer is water proof and it protects and control gas exchange in the tree. The middle layer contains cells which enable photosynthesis to occur. The inner layer provides the structural support and medium for long transportation of water and mineral salts to the branches and leaves.

Since trees are of different type, they are used for different purposes too. When logs of trees are processed to timber, they are used for construction to build timber houses. When they are processed further, they produce floor tiles which make houses look attractive.

Trees can also be used as fuel and the creation of furniture. For one to be able to utilize the stem, they have to cut it down, trim the branches, and process it. There are various methods of cutting trees. Traditional methods involve manual cutting of the plant using an axe or other sharp pieces of equipment. This is a very tedious way and takes a lot of time.

The use of power saws is more effective and time saving. This method is common today. It is vital for the lower part of a tree to be removed after it is cut down. This lower part is known as a stump. Stumps can be used as fuel, making furniture, or other purposes. How old the cut tree was can be determined by looking at the stump.

Another main reason as to why stumps should be removed s because they take up a lot of useful space. Incase stumps are required for future use, people usually dig them out and preserve them. This process can be very hard.

Apart from digging out stumps manually, a machine known as a grinder can also be used. In order to remove the stump, it has to be shredded into pieces when grinding. A lot of care is needed when using grinders because they throw small pieces of timber into the air. These pieces of timber may cause harm to the eyes. It is therefore necessary to wear protective attire such as goggles, gloves, and apron when working.

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