Thursday, June 27, 2019

Common House Plants Orange County Nurseries Sell That Will Make Your Home Healthier

By Donna Patterson

An easy and inexpensive way to make a room look warm and inviting is to add distinctive potted plants. They don't have to be exotic to make a statement. If you're one of those people who kill everything green, or are afraid that adding greenery will make a mess, you need to take a look at some common house plants Orange County nurseries are growing. They have varieties that don't require much care, won't shed, and will improve the quality of the air you breathe inside your home.

A spider plant is not hard to grow and will improve the air quality in your home. According to NASA, the plant clears the atmosphere of xylene, benzene, carbon monoxide, and formaldehyde. These are toxins commonly found in household appliances, furniture, and carpet. You can not see or smell them, so they can affect homeowners without them realizing it.

Many people are aware of the benefits of having an aloe plant sitting on a window sill. This plant has been proven to help heal cuts and burns, including sunburn. You tear open a leaf and smooth the gel inside onto the affected area. In addition to its healing properties, aloe also cleans the air. If you have family members with asthma, boiling the aloe leaves and breathing the steam will alleviate the symptoms.

A rubber plant isn't just something you put in a corner of a room to make a dramatic decorating statement. It is a great air freshener. This plant also removes toxins like formaldehyde from the atmosphere. Formaldehyde is a toxin found not only in furniture and flooring, but in air fresheners, nail polish, and some hair products as well.

Mother-in-law's Tongue, or snake plant, looks somewhat like a rubber plant. It is vertical with long heavy leaves. Since it grows straight up, it doesn't take as much space as you would assume. The leaves don't shed, making it a neat and easy plant to grow. The snake plant is unusual because it gives off oxygen at night, unlike most plants which emit oxygen in the daytime. It is a good plant to place in bedrooms, but it has to be located within the sleeper's breathing area to get the benefit of the fresh oxygen.

Butterfly palms are commonly found in sunrooms and conservatories. These are tall slender leaf plants that are also natural humidifiers. They disperse moisture into the atmosphere and make home interiors more comfortable during cold winter months. If humidity is something you do not need, you could choose to pot succulents that retain water.

Some plants are natural air fresheners giving off pleasant aromas that keep rooms perpetually inviting. A great example of the this is the dwarf lime tree. Instead of using commercial air fresheners and chemical sprays, try an aromatic plant that is healthier and safer.

There are plenty of great reasons to add planted pots to the interior of your home. They are beautiful decorating touches that don't cost much. A plant in every room might also keep your family healthier and save you trips to the doctor's office.

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