Wednesday, January 31, 2018

How The Art Advisors NYC Collectors Retain Improve Their Investment Portfolio

By Andrew Taylor

For most people collecting artwork means putting their kid's drawings up on the refrigerator or displaying family photos around their houses. A few individuals are serious collectors who put their money into fine artwork, because they have a passion for it, but also because they consider it an investment, much in the same way they would put money in the stock market. For these people the art advisors NYC experts recommend are critical.

Not everyone needs their own personal advisor when it comes to choosing art for personal use. If you are someone who loves to spend time in galleries and decorates your home according to your tastes, you probably have all the information you need to buy paintings, textiles, and pottery. For people who consider the pieces they buy primarily investments, hiring a professional to give advice and assistance can be critical.

An artistic advisor is a person with advanced education in the subject including history, genres, and artists. The individual knows which up and coming artists are the most promising and introduces clients to the most influential experts in the market. They will negotiate with galleries for their clients and bid for them at auctions. For this service, an advisor will either accept a percentage of the purchase price or charge a monthly or annual fee.

An advisor is a vital source with vast knowledge when it comes to market influences, analyzing sales at auction, and how the market actually operates behind the scenes. One of the first things an advisor has to understand is the level of commitment a potential client is willing to bring to investment purchases. Once a budget is in place, the advisor can teach the individual to recognize the highest quality artistic possibilities within that budget.

Even the most talented artists have periods when they struggle and produce work that is not up to expectations. An important part of an advisor's job is to educate a client's eye, so that person is more able to tell what makes one piece great and another merely acceptable. The same holds true when the client is interested in purchasing artwork from different periods or in different styles.

Some inexperienced collectors assume that galleries treat all their clients alike. In most cases, this could not be further from the truth. Gallery owners routinely contact their preferred clients to let them know when an important piece will be available. A good advisor will already have a good relationship with the owner and get the same confidential information.

For serious, investment minded collectors, artwork is much more than just something to hang on the wall and watch increase in value. There are equally serious tax, legal, and occasionally global implications that can be complicated and expensive. An artistic advisor can step in to work with accountants, attorneys and bankers.

For those who love art, collecting can be a fascinating hobby. You can spend as much or as little as you want, and still enjoy it. For serious investors, art is also a business proposition that requires expert advice.

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