Saturday, August 26, 2017

Proper Garden Pruning Equipment And Their Care

By Robert Olson

Gardening can involve lots of pruning. Instead of just grabbing whatever remotely appropriate tool it helps to know, as well to own, the right tool. It is worth buying good pruning tools, even for the casual gardener, and certainly for the serious one. Here are the main Pruning Equipment I use.

Planning on doing some maintenance to your yard? Make sure that you have a plan as well as all of the right tools to achieve the results you would like. Equipment will differ depending on whether you're landscaping, pruning, climbing, or transporting. Here is close to everything you need to know about tree surgery equipment:

Improvising, as opposed to using the proper gardening equipment, may seem like a sloppy way to get things accomplished. However, this is simply not true. Every dedicating gardener knows when you are in the middle of a task, you do not want to drop everything to search for a certain gardening tool. It is distracting, so as opposed to interrupting their work, gardeners tend to improvise.

With that said, it is true that some gardening jobs are done much better if the proper gardening equipment is used. In these cases, it is best not to improvise, but to take time out to find the best tool for the job. The results will be well worth the time you took out to find what you were looking for.

If you have these basic pieces of equipment, you are good to go. However, if you have bushes, hedges, or vine style ground cover, a good pair of pruning scissors could prove extremely helpful. While only the basic gardening equipment is necessary, some garden equipment can make the hard work of gardening much easier. If you have been gardening for years, chances are you have accumulated so much garden equipment that your shed is overflowing with it and which can come in handy anytime.

You can clean your pruners with oil or a distillate product like WD-40, but you'll use a lot of labor to remove the dirt because the dirt is water soluble and you'll be removing the dirt with a fluid that won't loosen water soluble dirt. You can use abrasion, such as steel wool, to remove the dirt but unless you're careful you'll damage the tool's cutting edges.

A product called EZ-Cut will loosen trimming tool dirt without the use of abrasion. EZ-Cut is a non-toxic / non-flammable fluid that is sprayed on trimming tool blades, and it prevents rust. EZ-Cut contains a vegetable oil lubricant to maintain smooth operation of trimming tools.

Make sure that your saws have strong and sharp cutting edges or blades. This will make it easy for you to cut thick branches. Even the hydraulic tree trimming tools, featuring a few saw styles is easier to use than the petrol powered variety. Do not throw away your money. Research a tool perfectly before you can buy it.

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