Monday, June 05, 2017

Understanding The Role Of Avocado Pollen In Agricultural Production

By Kevin Scott

Fruits provide a lot of nutrients that aid in maintaining good health. In America, trees with flowers that produce Avocado Pollen pellets grow well in California, for the climate is suitable. The fruits are normally in season from spring through fall. Even so, there are factors that come into play when cultivating, because pollination occurs queerly as affected by weather.

There are many varieties of the fruit in Cali. One is known as Hass, and it is the one produced in the largest quantities. Characterized by its rough, dark coat, the fruit provides an excellent flavor and sufficient oil. Another type is the Bacon. These thrive well in cool conditions. They ripen late in the year towards January, and is characterized by a thin green, and easy to peel coat.

Other types include; Fuerte and Pinkerton. The former comes in bounty during late fall, between December and May. It is of the category B of trees, and can tolerate frosting temperatures. However, it grows poorly in sandy soil. On the other hand, Pinkerton are characterized by small seeds, a pronounced pear shape, and are easy to peel. Further, they are in season during winter and spring.

When a grower decides to make use of two trees, there is critical information about their flowering and pollination that they need to learn about. The plants are perfect. That means that they produce flowers, and have a female part. They have male parts too. Nevertheless, they behave anomalously, because, these parts open at varied times, depending on the type of plant, and the degrees of atmospheric temperature. Therefore, fertilization through self-pollination is virtually impossible.

Depending on the sort of avocado you cultivate, they can either be of type A, or type B trees. Type A open their pistils, female part, in the dawn of the first day, and their stamens, male part, in the afternoon of the following day. B type flowers open up in the afternoon of the first day, but the stamen blossom the following dawn.

Pollination is when pollen detaches from the stamen and collected by the pistil of another tree to mark the commencement of fertilization. Insects, specifically bees, play a very important role in transferring pollen grains from the male to the female of another tree in their verge of feeding. Nonetheless, in Texas and Florida, wind pollination occurs commonly.

Avocado growing has its own challenges, majorly pests, plus diseases. These affect the healthy growth of trees, leading to low yields. Researchers have isolated some potential diseases that attack avocado plants, namely; polyphagous hole borer, lauren wilt, fusarium dieback disease among other exotic pests. Fusarium dieback is associated with the polyphagous shot hole borer.

The growing of avocado in the U. S is a rewarding commercial activity. Nevertheless, growers need to conduct extensive research to understand how successful cultivation can be done. Together with pest control measures, knowing the different types of trees and how pollination takes place, helps a grower succeed in cultivating avocados.

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