Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Information About Black Bamboo Plants In Pots

By Mattie Knight

Black bamboo is a kind of plant that produces flowers and is known by scientific name as Phyllostachys nigra. It belongs to the subfamily of Poaceae grass. The plant originally came from the Hunan province of China. At the time of its discovery, it was mostly confined in China, but that has changed. Today, it is very common to see black bamboo plants in pots.

The growth rate of the plant is usually very low. It takes a long time before it can achieve its full size. That is one of the reasons it is grown in containers conveniently. When fully grown, the plant can stand up to five meters high. The leaves are slender, long, and spread out. The plant should be transplanted into the ground before it matures. The decision as to when to transplant remains a matter of personal preference.

The plant is preferred as a garden plant because of the social, economic, and aesthetic that are associated with it. The green touch and shade it offers is eco-friendly as opposed to manufactured products. Growth can be human influence or natural. If natural, the tree spreads fast into neighboring areas and displaces native plants by killing them.

Some of the major benefits derived from black bamboo plants include shade, privacy, security, timber, food, and protection against strong winds. There are many places around the world, especially on the Asian continent where the plant is eaten as food by the natives. It is also a useful source of timber that is used to make different types of products such as musical instruments, furniture, and flooring products.

Plants grown in pots need to be supplied with water and nutrients that they would otherwise derive naturally from the soil. Failure to do that may cause them to die off. Favorable soil conditions include high fertility and slight acidity. Artificial products may be used to improve both fertility and acidity in the soil. Artificial products should not be applied in excess as to exceed the required levels of acidity. Bamboo is highly drought resistant and daily watering may not be necessary.

When choosing a pot, one must ensure that it has enough space and that it can accommodate annual increase in size. Disruption occurs to growth which may eventually cause retardation when the plant has to be transplanted too often into bigger containers. The choice should also consider durability and strength of the container. Good pots are ones that are not affected by harsh weather elements like sunshine, ice, string winds, frost, and sunshine.

Holes should be made at the bottom of the container to allow drainage of excess water. Pots offer better conditions for growing the tree because they are porous. Porosity keeps the air well aerated so that roots do not rot due to lack of oxygen. It also ensures that the soil does not become waterlogged.

After sorting soil issues, potted plants become much easier to manage because they only need regular watering. Watering can be done once in a while in the evenings and morning. Assistance on how to manage black bamboo plants grown in pots may be got from companies that grow them.

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