Friday, January 08, 2016

Decorate With Container Gardening Portland OR Style

By Donna Murray

Not everyone has space for a real garden or enough time to plant, weed, and water an extensive area of growing plants. However, that doesn't mean that they have to do without flowers - or vegetables, for that matter. A kitchen counter or a sunny window can hold a few pots, and patios and balconies can be filled with planters. Container gardening Portland Or way can be fun for all ages and make a home more beautiful all year round.

Growing things in pots isn't confined to those with no outdoor garden, of course. Landscape designers know the value of using decorative ceramic or traditional terra cotta pots in sitting areas outdoors. Rural lawns might use a tractor tire as a raised bed. A coffee can can be home to a few annuals. Almost anything can have a practical application, while whimsical things like straw hats or animal planters will add a personal touch.

Pots of bright annuals can be moved around to bring color to otherwise drab areas. Having portable planters also means that plants can be front and center in spring but moved to more protected areas when summer sun gets too hot or winter frost threatens. If a garden has poor soil, plants may do better in pots.

Another use for different containers is to vary the height of plantings. Pots on a table, along the top of a wall, in a graduated holder, or on descending steps make unique statements. Baskets can hang on walls or on fences, and any porch looks more inviting with hanging baskets of trailing greenery and blooms. Boston ferns grow until their fronds touch the ground; hang them high and they can be six feet tall.

Inside plants make wonderful decorative accents. Great cooks like to have fresh herbs on the counter; you can even grow mushrooms in your kitchen now. South-facing windows are perfect for sun-loving bloomers, while dark corners are just fine for jungle varieties. Put bright geraniums or hibiscus near the door to patio or balcony for color that enhances both spaces.

If you don't have enough natural light for flowering plants, consider the decorative effect of grow lights. Not only do they provide light for plants, they also highlight a dark corner and show off the flowers. Indoor plants are good for you, too. They humidify the air, which makes rooms more comfortable and saves energy. They also clean the air of toxins, like fumes from carpet or furniture, and add oxygen to it.

Research actually validates the health benefits of plants in the home and in the workplace. Employers in Portland OR find that there are fewer days missed because of illness, and productivity goes up as well. There are many plants that like fluorescent light, and others that grow in almost no light at all. Many of the latter are most efficient at cleaning the air.

As far as growing your own food goes, tomatoes, blueberries, strawberries, and herbs are all good candidates for container growing in Portland OR. There are even guidelines for turning your living room into a vegetable garden. Health nuts grow wheat grass in flats. Learn how to add beauty to your home, boost your health, and feed yourself with plants in pots.

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